Continuing Education Courses We Offer
See below for more information on the variety of courses offered. If you do not see a topic you are interested in, please contact our Marketing Manager, Andrea Rose.
We have several ethics courses for you to choose from that include a broader understanding of how changes in the law impact ethical obligations, understanding the role of Chapter 541 and 542 of the Texas Insurance Code on ongoing ethical obligations as well as Stowers.
Adjusting and Defending Construction Claims
Understand the role of the adjuster and the defense counsel as well as the unique nature of construction accident claims. Learn what immediate steps you will need to take in the case of an accident, addressing claims and defenses, and finally, defending OSHA investigations.
Adjusting Claims Involving Mental Anguish Damages
There is no question that mental anguish allegations are complex. This course will identify causes of action for which mental anguish damages are recoverable under Texas law, the proper measurement of those damages, and illustrate when those damages may be covered by a Texas personal injury policy.
Deal or No Deal: Strategies and Tactics for Negotiating Settlements
Learn techniques and different negotiation styles you can use in different phases of negotiations to settle claims. Also, learn when you should use informal arbitration or informal negotiations to settle claims.
Evaluating Damages-Only Cases
When identifying claims where liability is 100% adverse to the insured, understand the burden of proof, whether it is a claim for personal injury, property damage, or violations of the DTPA. Learn what information you should ask for and what information you are entitled to obtain.
Evaluating Trucking Cases for Adjusters
Many factors affect the evaluation of a trucking case. Find out what you need to know as well as how to counsel your driver and motor carrier.
Latest and Greatest in Texas Premises Liability
Hear an analysis of court decisions that involve a property owner’s duties to everyone from employees to sporting event patrons.
Personal Injury Damages
Learn the value of losses for typical personal injury claims under Texas law plus what economic and non-economic damages are recoverable for personal injury claims in Texas.
Rise of the Machines: Adjusting Product Liability Cases in Texas
Get real-world examples of product defects claims and handling. Learn about the types of defects, common defenses to liability in product defect claims, the role of subrogation, and the use of experts to preserve and examine evidence.
Texas Law Update
We have been offering our annual in-person Texas Law Update (TLU) Seminar to clients, claims adjusters, risk management professionals and other industry professionals for over 30 years. This seminar includes Texas Supreme Court decisions, billing affidavits, reasonable and necessary medical expenses, course and scope of employment, and changes in the Texas Courts.
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